Work on accepting the situation you're in.
Identify specific things you dislike.
Reevaluate your personal values.
Consider a career transition to the tech industry.
Job dissatisfaction is not something that will pass on its own.
Job dissatisfaction negatively affects mental health.
Recent research supports the idea that there is an increased risk of developing depressive symptoms if we are exposed to unhealthy work environments long-term, especially in the context of unrealistic demands versus a very low degree of individual control over the job. In other words, when we have many unrealistic demands and little control over the situation, the risk of experiencing burnout increases.
Feeling anxious as the weekend comes to an end and even the thought of Monday makes you anxious. If the anxiety is persistent and recurring, it's a sign that the job no longer fulfils you.
Lack of commitment and boredom.
Feeling stuck for a long time.
Feeling undervalued.
From 2020 to the present, the tech industry has not only produced a greater number of positions and better job opportunities but also spawned a range of benefits including a work environment where people feel psychologically safe and fulfilled, which positively impacts productivity and the quality of work delivered.
The focus has shifted from meeting the existential needs of the average employee to building and maintaining a healthy company culture and well-being programs because the tech industry understands the importance of caring for its people.
Psychological support, individual and group coaching, and education on various topics are becoming an integral part of the tech work environment. As a result, we not only have quality jobs but also a stimulating and healthy work environment where people have the opportunity for position rotation, rapid advancement, and learning.
Today, most employees in the tech industry enjoy great freedom, flexibility, as well as discipline, responsibility, and self-organization at the level of an entrepreneur. This allows them to practically apply Agile, Scrum, Design Thinking in their everyday work, meaning they have the freedom to create valuable knowledge, experiences, and ideas.
Career change is a stressful and emotional process, but with motivation, goal focus, and proactive steps, it is achievable!
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